Rebeca and Jason came to visit me during Spring Break and I was so happy to have them here! When Rebeca had been here about an hour, she said to me that it is so weird that her dad is not here. She said, "He should be sitting on the couch over there!!" Duke and Diablillo were well-behaved dogs while they were here and we all had a good visit. On the 22nd, we had breakfast at Jason's grandfather's house and then we came back home and had most of our family over for a spaghetti and meatball lunch. It was Rebeca and Jason's first visit as husband and wife.
I have not yet heard from Guillermo and Fernando today. They should be on their way to Chiloe, Chile so they are either in the middle of one of those long bus rides or they are on a ferry that left from Puerto Montt. It's most likely that I won't hear from them until tomorrow. :-(